Dad Lunch Note #609


I grew up in the small city of Houma, Louisiana, which is filled with hundreds of bridges that criss-cross the bayous and waterways just miles north of the Gulf of Mexico. Those bridges were built to connect people from one side of the bayou to the other and to make traveling less difficult. However, when one of these bridges is under construction or unavailable, it makes travel more difficult.

That’s no different than the bridges we build or destroy in our own lives.

In the waning years of my previous career, I burned a lot of bridges with former co-workers who were hurtful. I didn’t want them in my life and I didn't care what they thought about me. I made sure to build bridges with others who wanted to be in my life so that I wouldn't think about the bridges I had just burned.

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Chris Yandle

Post-It® Notes, A Sharpie®, and Sweater-vested Dadvice (sponsorships not included)

Dad Lunch Note #610


Dad Lunch Note #608