Notes to Jackson

Four years ago, I thought writing messages to Addison was going to be my small way of reconnecting with my daughter after constant moves and her starting four different schools in five years. I never thought what I’d write would impact anyone other than her.

Now with her little brother Jackson starting fourth grade, he has a similar anxiety level she did four years ago but for different reasons.

For a while, I thought these #DadLunchNotes would be something for me and Addison to have together. Over the summer, I realized I need to do the same for my son because maybe some of my “dad advice” can help him grow up to be a good man. Good men are in short supply in our world right now, so I hope I can do my part as a dad to share some mostly funny sayings with Jackson as he enters the dreaded middle school years.

Chris Yandle

Post-It® Notes, A Sharpie®, and Sweater-vested Dadvice (sponsorships not included)

Words and Ideas Can Change the World


Yes, Taylor Swift Inspired the Title of My Book